Thursday 4 June 2015

S3 VGA Technical Reference Manuals (86C928 and Trio64V+)

S3 must have been some of the earliest accelerated Super VGAs and were the speed kings of their day.  Their early products we're named along the lines of Porche models to hint at speed.

According to this interesting post the S3 products share a lot architecture wise with the 8514.  This is not altogether surprising. ATI "Mach" products were also "inspired" by the 8514 which was one of the earliest fixed function graphics accelerators for the PC.  Nowadays the kids call these "GPUs" but we never called them that back then.

S3 data was hard to come by, they were quite secretive.  This like most of my data sheets comes courtesy of the excellent bitsavers project.  I only put them here for a personal collection and to add some hosting diversity.

Here is the technical reference manual for 86C928 GUI Accelerator from 1992.

Later, S3 would follow very successful highly integrated Trio 64 which was included on a lot of motherboards.  Previous to this S3 had been quite expensive, so I think the Trio 64 was their attempt to take on the value players like the superb Cirrus Logic Alpine family.

Download the Trio64V+ Integrated Graphics Video Accelerator Manual  from 1995.

Cirrus Logic: Alpine VGA Family CLGD543X/4X Technical Reference Manual

Cirrus used to publish these manuals directly on their FTP site (a very friendly company Cirrus, I always found).  This is the definitive one covering their excellent Alpine range of accelerated VGAs.

This covers such chips as the 5434 and 5446 among others.

Cirrus Logic: Alpine VGA Family CLGD543X/4X Technical Reference Manual